Artificial Intelligence Writes A Sci-Fi Bedtime Story

We asked our live streaming audience to co-author alongside an Artificial Intelligence network named AI Dungeon to write a completely original story.

The outcome of the story was completely dictated by the live comments which were fed into our AI chatbot.

This is what happened.


You are Seb386, a punk living in the futuristic city of Zail.
You have a bag of drugs and a Holoband.
You wake up in a dark alley with bruises all over you body.
You have no idea what happened.
You stand up and see that you are naked.

"What the hell...?" You say to yourself as you get dressed. "I'm not dead."

You say "Hey! Are you guys playing poker?"
"Yeah, I think so." One of them says.
"That's great!" The other one replies. "We should play sometime!"

You Seb386 walks over to the mysterious men possibly playing poker.
Seb386 approaches the two men who were talking to each other.
He is wearing a hoodie and jeans. His face looks like it has been beaten badly, but he doesn't seem too worried about it.

A card player says "See he's back! Ready to go and make this delivery?"
Seb walks across the room and says "What's going on? Where the F is my bitcoins bro?!"

The man sitting at the table says "Well, we got some new customers here from around town. They want to buy a bunch of bitcoins."
Seb386 says "But they don't look very happy about it."

You say "Alright, I only have 590 bitcoins, but I need to borrow your spacecraft. No negotiations, I know your style!"
The man nods his head and says "Sure thing buddy."

Seb386 says "Here you go." He hands you a black box which is attached to a long cord. You take it and put it into your pocket.

The card player says "You wouldn't be happy either if you were them." The card players laugh. Seb386 looks perplexed.

You walk out of the alley and down another street. A few more people come out of their houses. Some are smoking cigarettes, others are drinking beer or wine.
All of them look bored.

You enter a bar and order a drink for yourself.
Seb386 enters the bar. He looks around the room of strobing neon lights.
Across the room he says a group of cyborgs playing a poker tournament.

The winner will become Satoshi Nakamoto. The mysterious god of all bitcoin!
Seb386 walks over to the 3D printer and asks the AI to print him an ergonomic office chair because his back was hurting. He sits down and drinks a beer.

He notices a girl sitting next to him and says "Hey, do you like bitcoin?" She says "Yes."
He smiles and then whispers in her ear "I'm Satoshi Nakamoto." The girl blushes red and turns away from him.

"So, how much did you pay for that chair?" He asks.

She replies "500 bitcoins" He looks surprised and says "That's not enough to get me a seat at the poker game right now, but it should get me one soon."

She says "I know you are the god of bitcoin. You are going to crush them like little baby ants." She looks Seb386 directly into his eyes "Take my bitcoins and beat the pants off of those BRUHHHHHHHHS!"

He looks shocked and says "No, I can't do that. They're too strong."

She says "They aren't weak, they are just new. Ive been holding onto them since 2011 when you first introduced me to this virtual currency called Bitcoin."

This gave Seb386 the strength to destroy all poker players in his path. The men knew their day of reckoning had come. Seb386 lays down a holographic Royal Flush which caused the bar to burst into flames. He waves his magic wand and turned into Sailor Moon.
It makes no sense but trust me. I'm an AI and I'm in charge.

The fire spread through the entire casino. The entire floor was engulfed in flames. The only thing left standing were the computers and the robots who ran them. They didn't even make a sound as they burned to death.
He won the poker game obviously. He said "Now subscribe to THE DIGITAL ACID for more glimpses of the future. You can follow them on social @thedigitalacid or their website where you can read this story I wrote with the human Seb386. That website is THEDIGITALACID.COM"

A message pops up saying "Congratulations! Your account has been credited with 1,000 Digital Acid!"

You feel so good. You don't care about anything anymore. You want to go home. A voice calls out "Hello, user. Please log in again."

To write your own AI-assisted story check out available on Web, iOS & Android


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